Tutorial - Kids Posing Techniques

April 12, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


Posing Kids Challenges

Posing children can really be a challenge for new photographers. If you're not used to working with kids, then it can really make your photo shoot difficult. Some basic tips, Kids know a lot more than we give them credit for. And one thing they pick up on quickly is emotions. Be calm and relaxed around kids. If your tone of voice and body language shows tension, your child models will pick up on it quickly.

Getting the most out of kids requires that the kids be natural and enjoy themselves. Make sure the kids are relaxed by including mom or dad in the photo shoot. Get the kids to talk about their favorite things. Music, games and shows they enjoy. At some point, as with other models, let the kids know what you are doing. Talk about what's going to happen during the shoot. Kids really don't get enough credit. If you treat them with respect, they repay you with a great shoot!

Posing kids can bring it's own nightmares. When posing kids, make sure you don't touchRespect their space. Have mom, or a stylist fix the hair, or outfit. Which brings up an important point... You do have a stylist, assistant, or chaperone present when working with children and teens, right? Again, make sure both mom and the child feel comfortable. Safety first when working with kids.

Once you have a good pose, take some shots. and then, you should move. Get a few shots from different angles of the same post. Use your zoom and move in our out. One good pose can have many good shots in it, if you change your perspective. Get zoomed in tight! Frame them up closely, and avoid a ton of background! 

During the shoot, feedback is important. Don't forget to keep reinforcing the good that your kids are doing. Keep directing and keep positive reinforcement throughout. Make your kids feel good and you'll get better results.

Posing Tips

First off, lets just admit, here and now, that young kids, say 5 or 6 and under, will just not be patient and you most likely won't be able to really pose them. You'll get better results if you work with them, rather than work against them. If the kids want to pose their way, let them. Follow along. Take shots  them as they run, play and laugh. Some of the best kid photos come from these candid moments!

Kids are naturally curious. Play on it. Show them your work. Involve them. Make it a challenge. "Can you sit like this?" And you sit, while you have them make a photo of you! Challenge them!

Shooting Tips

If you are planning on a more formal shoot, with lighting setups and camera on a tripod, plan on a little more work before hand. For one, don't have kids sitting there unnecessarily. If you are setting up lighting, do it with a stand in before you get the kid to your set. No sense making the kid impatient and fidgety before you even start making photos!

Making shots of kids for some, can be a bit scary. Some unknown guy standing there, pointing this thing at them! Not knowing what's going to happen, or when. I personally like to get out from behind the camera and be seen by them. I like to use a remote for this.That way, I can make the shot from wherever I am when I see the right expression and pose. Keep close, behind the camera, but just off to one side. You still want the kids to focus on you and your camera. It's not as intimidating when you are not looking into the back of the camera. 

Remember, kids are not professional models. You are unlikely to get just the right shot, at the exact moment you ask for it. ("Smile, please?") Feel free to shoot lots of frames. Many shots means you increase then chance that you have the perfect expression!

Short But Sweet

Did I mention kids are impatient? They have shorter attention spans. Work fast. Work efficiently. Make your photo shoot short.
Make sure you give the kids a chance to take a break. Have them go chat with mom, get some water, or just relax and not be in front of the camera. This gives you a chance to see your photos and see what works and what you want more of. 


Making photos of kids is a challenge, but with a little planning and some luck, you can get great results!


Group Photos Posing Tips:  http://www.bluefinstudios.com/blog/2013/4/group-posing-techniques

Posing Models Tips:  http://www.bluefinstudios.com/blog/2013/2/posing-techniques


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