Notes - Get Out and Shoot 2018

December 31, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Stage Harbor LightStage Harbor Light Stage Harbor Light, Cape Cod, MA.
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Get Out And Shoot, for 2018!
2017 recap: I was a bit better than I've been in the past, at getting out and shooting. I Checked off a few more items from year's past. But, I also added more than I got to. No excuses, my focus needs to be better, and more dedicated to shooting. ... and not just shooting for shooting's sake, but chasing the Light, too. Sunrises, Sunsets, Golden Hour, and the sky.

I'll really need to make more of an effort to Get Out And Shoot!

2014: I sucked at getting to my list.
2015? I was a WEEeeee bit better.

2016? Made a few more shots... added WAY more to the list than images I made.
2017, and Better still. but added a lot...

Make Time To Shoot
Definitely need to grab the camera and GET OUT more.
Still on the list: more long-exposure waterfalls, more wildlife to shoot, Cape Cod Lighthouses, more species, and more wish-list places to shoot. .. and yes, some things are on the list, and checked off. But I want more and better shots. Focus on technique. On quality. Not spray and pray!

the List:

More Birding
Barn Owl
✔ Barred Owl
Burrowing Owl
Great Grey Owl
Great Horned
Long Eared Owl - (two days of freezing cold, and managed a few dozen really crappy photos of mostly hidden Long Earred)
✔ Screech Owl
✔ Snowy Owl

Bald Eagle, Charles River, Hoocksett NH
Hooksett Hydro Dam,
✔ Coopers Hawk
Northern Harrier (the Grey Ghost)
Red Shouldered
✔ Red Tailed Hawk
Sharp Shinned Hawk

✔  Black Crowned Night Heron
✔  Great Blue Heron
✔  Great Egret
✔  Green Heron
Mute Swan
Snowy Egret
Tri-Coloured Heron
✔  Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Waterfalls Around MA
Campbell Falls, New Marlborough MA

Glendale Falls, Middlefield MA
Pawtucket Falls, Lowell, MA

Shelburne Falls
✔ Wayside Inn Grist Mill, Sudbury MA
White Marble Falls, Clarksburg, MA.

Waterfalls Around New England
Steps Falls, Newry Maine

Bridal Veil Falls, Franconia NH (on days when it ISN'T pouring rain!)
The Flume, NH
Falls On the Falling Waters Trails, Lincoln and Franconia NH (on days when it ISN'T pouring rain!)

✔ (but it was pouring) Glen Ellis Falls, Jackson NH (on days when it ISN'T pouring rain!)
Jackson Falls, Jackson NH
Tucker Brook Falls, Milford NH
Day Pond Falls, CT

Moss Glenn Falls, Granville VT

Moss Glenn Falls, Stowe VT

Scenic and Landscapes

Monomoy, seals, birds...
✔ Plum Island, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Cranberry Bogs of Cape Cod, at Harvest
Newburyport in Summer

New Bedford

Around New England
Covered Bridge, Newry Maine
Tannery Hill Covered Bridge, Gilford NH

✔ Scituate Light, MA
✔ Derby Wharf Light, Salem, MA
✔ Fort Pickering Light, Salem, MA
Gloucester Light, MA

Nubble Light, Maine
Portland Head Light, Cape Elizabeth Maine
Pemmaquid Point Light, Maine
Owl's Head Light, Owl's Head, Maine

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse, Acadia, Tremont ME
Marshall Point Light, Point Clyde, ME
Doubling Point Light Station, Arrowsic, ME

Cape Cod Lighthouses

Nauset Light, summer sunset
Chatham Light, summer sunset
Lewis Bay Light, aka Hyannis Harbor Light
Monomoy Light
✔ Nobska Point Light
Sandy Neck Light
Stage Harbor Light

Wings Neck Light, Buzzards Bay
Race Point Light

Seagull Beach Lighthouse, Yarmouth
Ned's Point Light


Whales, Humpback, Right, Fin Back
Sharks at Truro, Chatham
Seals at Truro or Chatham
Duxbury, Plum Island, anywhere.
Spoonbills, Herons, birds, in FLA

Big Game North America
Bear - Black, Brown, Grizzly, Polar
Elk, White Tail Deer, Mule Deer
Moose, Bison, Big Horn Sheep
Cougar, Coyote, Wolf

JN "Ding" Darling NWR

Thor's Well in Cape Perpetua

The Grand Canyon

Penguins, Seals, Whales, Ice, Panoramas

Galapagos Islands
birds, turtles, mammals

Glaciers, Whales, Ice

Beaches and US Cemetery at Normandy

Australian Outback
Sunsets, Rock, Deserts, Panoramas

I'll really need to make more of an effort to Get Out And Shoot!


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